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Penitential Rite Tune:- O Holy Night
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I con-fess, to you Almighty G—od, and to you my brothers & si-s-ters;
That I have sinned, again through my own fa—ult,
In thought & word and in deed & failed to do;
And I ask the Bless-ed Vi-r-g-in Ma-ry, & all the saints & angels in heaven;
And, you my friends, to pray, to God for me :-
O Lo-rd have mer-cy, O Christ, have m-er-cy,
O Lord, have m--er-cy, Lord have mercy.
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Tune:- Joy
to the World.
Glo-ry to God, in the high-est, glory, in the, highest,
And peace to His people, on earth, (2)
Lord God & Heavenly King, God & Father Al-mi-gh-ty,
W-e worship, & give you thanks for your glory.
We praise you Lord, for your glo-ry; for your glory, O Lord;
Lord Jesus Christ the Only Son, the Father’s one & only Son,
Lord God the Lamb o—f God, you who takes away all the sins.
Of the wor—ld, have m-er-cy, have m—er—cy.
You are seated, at God’s right hand, receive, our prayer, O Lord;
For You a-lo—ne are The One, the Holy One & Ho-ly Lord;
For You alone are Most High, Jesus Christ with the Ho-ly Spirit,
In the glo-ry of God the Father, A—men. (Glo-ry to God, in the, high-est).
Holy, Holy.
MP3 Listen -
Tune:- Hark! the Herald Angels sing.
Holy Ho-ly Holy Lo-rd, God of pow’r & God of Might,
Heav’n & earth are filled with glory, Hosan-na in the hi-gh-est.
Bless-ed is The One who co—mes, comes in the Name of the Lo—rd.
Ho-sanna in the High-est, Ho-san-na in the Highest. (2).
Lamb of God
MP3 Listen -
Tune:- It came upon the Midnight Clear.
O Lamb of G-od who takes away, the s-ins of a-ll the world;
Have mer-cy on us O Lamb of God, have mer-cy o—n us all.
O Lamb of G-od who takes away, the s-ins of a-ll the world;
Have mer-cy on us O Lamb of God, and grant us Yo-ur true Peace.
Proclamation of Faith.
Tune;- Chorus of:- Mary’s Boy Child.
Christ has died, Christ is Risen, Christ will come again,
Yes, Christ will come in Gl-o-ry, Al-le—lu—ia.
Trumpets sound & angels sing, listen to what they say;
That Christ has died, Christ is risen & Christ will
come again.
zip file of music and score.
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