Hail Holy Joseph, Hail
Hail, holy Joseph, hail!
Chaste spouse of Mary, hail!
Hail holy Joseph
Pure as the lily (flower)
In Eden's peaceful vale!
Hail holy Joseph
Hail, holy Joseph, hail!
You were God's chosen one:
Hail holy Joseph
To you the Word made flesh
Was subject as a Son.
Hail holy Joseph.
2 Hail, holy Joseph, hail!
O friend of angels, hail!
Hail holy Joseph
Assist the hearts that faint
And guide the steps that fail.
Hail holy Joseph.
Hail, holy Joseph, hail!
Prince of the house of God,
Hail holy Joseph.
May His best graces be
By your dear hands bestowed.
Hail holy Joseph.
3 Hail, holy Joseph, hail!
Teach us our flesh to tame.
Hail holy Joseph.
And, Mary, keep the hearts
That honor Joseph's name;
Hail holy Joseph.
He loved you with a love
Of holy purity:
Hail holy Joseph.
We pray that we may be
As pure in love as he.
Hail Holy Joseph.
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