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Home Food Information News Flash Onions down to 12 per kilo

Onions down to 12 per kilo

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Shoppers in the citys vegetable bazaars were wondering if they had stepped into a film set on Friday as vendors were calling out affordable prices for fresh produce.The biggest and most pleasant surprise was the cost of onions that were retailing at Rs 12 -15 per kg after touching highs of Rs 60 over the last few tumultuous months.

Tomatoes were selling for Rs 12 in retail markets as against the winter average of Rs 10,but Mumbaikars were not complaining given that it was a high Rs 60 till January.One exuberant shopper made off with four kilos of onions and tomatoes for her family of three fearing that the drop in prices is a temporary reprieve.Just last weekend,onions were selling for Rs 22 per kg.I cant believe it, she said.

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