Mangalorean Recipes

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Peace Be With You

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A musical composition portraying the parting gift of our Lord Jesus.   Before he ascended to heaven,  he gave the apostles authority to forgive sins and to retain them to those unworthy of that grace.

A note to interpret the music:

The first wo bars are introduction.

It is followed by a violin solo reflecting this words.

Jesus Peace

"Peace be with you. 

As the Father has sent me,

So I send you,."

Then the trumpet solo announces the following:

And when he had said this..

He breathed on them

And said to them.

Then follows an ensemble of instruments for these words

"Receive the Holy Spirit

Whose sins you forgive,

Are forgiven them.

And whose sins you retain,

Are retained."

In conclusion the Peace Greeting is repeated.

"Peace be with you. 

As the Father has sent me,

So I send you,"

Gospel of St. John. Ch 20. Verses 19-23


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