Mangalorean Recipes

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Home Mangalore/Goa Recipes Sandwich Spreads Sandwich Spread with Cucumber and Garlic

Sandwich Spread with Cucumber and Garlic

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Quantity: Measure: Ingredients: Description:
1 Medium Cucumber (Kakhdi) Peeled, and finely chopped, salted
1 Small Onion Peeled and chopped fine, salted
6 Flakes/Cloves Garlic (Lason, Losun) Peeled, and fghopped and salted
200 Grams Cheese creamy, soft
2 Tablespoon Mayonnaise for mixture
A few drops Tabasco Sauce for taste
  As Required Salt To taste


Make a salt water solution with one cup of sea salt, and boil it.  When cooled, strain the water through a thin muslin cloth, and add the peeled and chopped cucumbers, chopped garlic and onion to this water, and keep for four hours.   At the end, drain all the water and mix these to the cream cheese with just enough salt water to make good spreading consistency. Stir in mayonnaise, add salt  and put a few drops of Tabasco Sauce to taste.   Use this as a Sandwich spread, between two bread slices.

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