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Home Mangalore/Goa Recipes Rice Preparations Appam - soft round rice bread

Appam - soft round rice bread

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Quantity: Measure: Ingredients: Description:
Half Kilogram Rice, Raw To make batter
Half Kilogram Rice, Boiled (ukda chawal) To make batter
2 Whole Coconuts - fresh. For extracting juice
4 Whole Eggs For beating
1 Kilogram Sugar For taste
1 Bottle Toddy - Palm For fermentation. Can use yeast
a Little Salt For taste - at end


Soak the two types of rice, overnight to make it soft.  Scrape and grind the coconuts, and extract first the thick juice and grind the same pulp once again and extract thin juice separately. Keep aside the thick juice. In the thin juice, grind the soaked rice into a fine batter.  Mix the batter, with sugar, eggs broken and beaten, and toddy.  (Alternately you can use sufficient yeast)

The batter will start to ferment, and rise.  In hot days, it will take less time, than on cold days.    Add salt to taste, after the ferment has completed.

The Appam pan is a curved pan, with a handle. Curved non-stick cooking pans are equally suitable, though the traditional pans were made of cast iron.   Keep it on a lighted stove.  Apply ghee to the inner surface of the frying pan, and when the surface is hot, pour half a teacup of batter into the pan.  Then gently make a circular gyrating movement of the pan, holding it with the handles, so that it makes a lace of batter around the edges.  The bulk of the batter will settle down in the middle which will cook into a soft section, with crisp brown lace on the edges.  Cover the pan with a lid, and fry for some time.

This goes well with Pork or Chicken Indad,

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