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Hind Sight

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I have been going through a lot of discomfort from the bullous pamphyigoid blisters, and for the last two weeks, the  treatment from our Bosio Hospital dermatologist has worked.   She is very good and a dedicated doctor which is a blessing in these days of money making craze.

I find when on one side there is hate mongering spread  through our media in entertainment and news, I found after  stopping the subscription for 3 months a vast difference  coming from All India Radio programs that are being beamed i  Goa.  It is very multifaceted and more appropriate to the  people living here.  These people have always lived in  harmony, so much so, BJP had to modify their stance.   I am  glad, that one day they will realize that to make political gain,  one does not have to destroy before starting rebuilding on  your pet ideas.  If we open our eyes and see how mankind  has developed in the past, it was always, because man  wanted to do the same thing a little better and a little faster.  

One time when I had to be hospitalized for my corneal grafting  for 16 days and nights my brother had told me of a technique  to spend this time and that was to imagine being dumped on  a lonely island where you are given a remote control and your  press it to get what you want.  I did not like that idea, so I  threw the remote away and found I was behaving like  Robinson Crusoe !   I slept for a while on the beach and then  went inside, where there were trees.  Thought of building a  shack but only myself ?   Gave up, and finally landed in a  cave. Robinson Crusoe It was o.k. for the time being.  Next morning when I  was hungry, what could I do, no utensils, no fire, so went out  and saw fruits growing on trees.  For some time I did it, but  then old tastes die hard.  Saw fish wriggling in the river, and  saw banyan tree roots flowing down.  Plucked one, and put a  thorn at the end, and put an earth worm and threw it in the  river and a fish bit it.  Got it out, but how to cook it ?   No  match box, no lighter, then I saw something burning and put  the fish there and it brewed and got roasted, and I picked the  meat and ate it.  Went to the river and drank some water.
When all this was happening I asked myself what am I doing.   The same as the old man in the caves which I knew was  taught us in school, the "primitive" man.  Was I one ?   Then I understood, he was not primitive, he did not have the hind sight of experience that mankind has gained in subsequent years.

Then I realized why I used to go first on bycycles which I had  purchased.  My father had one before me.  That means, many  years before me, they had felt the need to innovate our  travelling ways.  Then there was the need to switch over from  horse cart to an automobile when they discovered kerosene,  from which they could extract petrol.   Then came the hunting  game  to find where to get it from cheaply.  They found it in  Aabadan in Persia.  I guy from the Caucasus, went on the  job.  Migrated to Scotland, and stated the company, in which  Winston Churchill too worked.  Later he persuaded the  gentleman to go in partnership from the British and they  started the Anglo Iranian Oil Company, and we have many  elderly men, who worked there when our country was ruled by  the British, and made pots of money.  Ford started his  automobile company and it started first in Germany and the  Mercedes Benz and came to America, England, and France.   India was nowhere.  Modi was nfirst flight wright brothersot born.  No one had any idea  of Digital Revolution !!

Then one fine day,Wright Brothers hit upon an idea to fly,  and began their first experiments in 1910.    In 1987 the Jews  had got together in Vienna and started a Zionist movement to  get their fellow men get back to their roots, with Theodore  Hertzel at the helm   Soon it  was taken over by the Van der  Bilts, the Rockefellers and other Jewish giants of Europe who  mostly built their empires in Germany.   1897 to 1910 and  they would surely have had an idea of diversifying and  financed all these ventures.    Remember one leads to  nother and men get different ideas, some beneficial, some  self serving and human nature being what it is we easily  succumb to temptation.

To be continued.


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