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Home Glossary Condiments Aniseed -(Suwa, Shopa)

Aniseed -(Suwa, Shopa)

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Anise (pronunciation: /ˈænɪs/;[1]), Pimpinella anisum, also called aniseed, is a flowering plant in the family Apiaceae native to the eastern Mediterranean region and Southwest Asia. Its flavor resembles that of liquorice, fennel, and tarragon.

Western cuisines have long used anise as a moderately popular herb to flavor some dishes, drinks, and candies, and so the word has come to connote both the species of herb and the licorice-like flavor. The most powerful flavor component of the essential oil of anise,

As with all spices, the composition of anise varies considerably with origin and cultivation method.  The seeds, whole or ground, are used in a wide variety of regional and ethnic confectioneries,

In Pakistani and Indian cuisine, no distinction is made between anise and fennel. Therefore, the same name (saunf) is usually given to both of them. Some use the term patli (thin) saunf or velayati (foreign) saunf to distinguish anise from fennel, although Gujarati has the term anisi.


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