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Home Mangalore/Goa Recipes Seafood (Fish) Surmai Curry with Coconut

Surmai Curry with Coconut

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Ingredients      View in 1024x768 screen resolution

2NosChillies, GreenFor Mince masala
4NosChillies, GreenFor grinding
1NosCoconutTo extract juice.
AFewCoriander Leaves (Kothmeer)for garnishing
6FlakesGarlicFor Mince masala
2TeaspoonGheefor seasoning
1unitsGingerFor mince masala
1unitsGingerFor grinding
1MediumOnionFor grinding
3NosOnionsFor Mince masala
ALittleSaltto taste
1unitsSurmaiAlso called "Seer fish"
1LittleTamarindFor grinding
2NosTomatoesFor Mince masala
1unitsTurmeric/HaldiFor grinding
ALittleVinegarto taste


Fish: Wash, cut and clean the fish.
Grind the masala from ingredients set aside for grinding.
Mince masala, from ingredients set aside for minced masala.

Grind coconut and extract thick and thin juice.

Warm the ghee in a pot and fry half onion sliced, then add the thin coconut juice, ground and sliced masala. When the onion is soft put the fish, after five minutes add the thick coconut juice, salt and vinegar to taste. Boil for five more minutes.

Note that thick coconut juice tends to curdle, if boiled too long. The fish too splinters if over cooked. If the masala is not cooked properly, it will taste raw, therefore, before adding fish and the thick juice, the curry should boil thoroughly and should be tasted for saltiness and sour taste.

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