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Soup Making

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To make soup, you should put the ingredients in cold water first, and then place it on the stove, and boil them on slow fire, so that the juices of the ingredients get mixed with the water.

Bones of button or beef, are a good source of nutrition, in a soup.   These should be preferable cracked, so that the marrow can be extracted.   Salt should not be added when the soup is boiling.   When the sum rises, it should be removed.  When the soup is done, it should be strained in a sieve.   This liquid is called STOCK.  Five kinds of stock are given here.   Clear Stock,  White Stock,  Brown Stock, Cheap Stock, and Thick Stock for puree.

Clear Stock, is made my slow and long boiling.  The scum and the fat are frequently skimmed, and the plain juice is extracted.    This is cooled and strained, and any fat residue is removed.   This stock is used to make clear or transparent soups.

White Stock is generally done with vegetables, or meat that will not colour the soup.  Veal, mutton, chicken and white vegetables are best suited.  The meats are washed to remove any blood, and vegetables included, are put in cold water before starting the process of preparing the Stock.   If the water is stained with blood, it is trown out, and the materials are immersed in fresh cold water.    After an hour, the meat, or vegetables is boiled on a slow fire, for a long time, rtill the materials become soft.      Strain the soup, in a slieve and  use the liquid.   White soup is made out of this white stock.   Milk, flour, macaroni, vermicelli, pearl barley, rice may be added to this soup.

Brown Stock can be made from any meat or vegetable, to make a coloured soup.   This is coloured by using tomato pulp or burnt sugar.

Cheap Stock is made from any trimmings of vegetables or scrappings, any odds and ends of meat or vegetable that may go to waste or remnants of roast meat or fresh bones.

Thick Stock, is made by boiling the marterials for a very long time to reduce them to pulp.  The stock is then poured into a sieve, and squeezed out of the materials.   This stock is made thicker than the other stocks.  Flour, butter, mased boiled potatoes, barley, milk, and beaten eggs,  bread and such thickenings may be added more than in other stocks to make the puree thicker.  This should have more or less the consistency of Cream.  It should not be thicker than this.

With this stock and adding to it, various vegetables,  flavorings, seasonings, and  other ingredients in various proportions, soups and gravies of many  varieties are prepared  and named accordingly.   After the stock is done and strained, add a little water in the left over pulp, and boil it again, stir it and mash it well.      You can again strain this and add it to the previous stock, or use it to prepare a soup or gravy, sauce etc/

To clarify stock,  or soup,  beat the white of an egg, and gradually pour in te soup, as it is boiling and add the egg shell  into the stock, and stir well and then strain the stock

Soup is served as the first course at dinner, and in soup plates.  It must be hot when serving.   Many ingredients, like vermicelli, vegetables, etc, are added to te soup, during its preparation.

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