Mangalorean Recipes

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Kitchen Tips & Cooking Tips including time saving ideas

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Boiling new potato or cauliflower

When boiling new potato or cauliflower add a 1/4 of a lemon to the water - this will stop them from gowing grey and keep them white so they can be used later.

Poaching Eggs

 Add salt and vinegar to the water when poaching eggs it keeps the egg together whilst cooking or stir the water before adding the egg ( but only one egg at a time). Remove the egg from the water and chill in ice water to be used later. To reheat just blanch in boiling water.

Making fluffy and light mashed potatoes

To make mash fluffy and light, just add 1 tsp of baking powder per kg of potato

How to remove smell of garlic/onions from your hands

  To remove the smell of garlic or onions from your hands rub a tablespoon of salt mixed with a little water and rub for a few seconds then rinse under cold water.

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