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Home Music Study Notation Exercises for Singers Veni Creator - Natural Scale

Veni Creator - Natural Scale

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Veni Creator - is the traditional hymn to the Holy Spirit.   It is written in 3/4 time.   There is no pick up beat.   On the top stave of the PDF file, you will see the sol fa notations, which you can read and sing the melody.   Always try to associate, the name, the note location on the stave and its sound.    These three associations are essential.

You can also learn the whole hymn in sol fa notation by heart, and sing it at other times, when you are away from the computer, and this will add to your association with name and sound becoming stronger.

When the association is strong, you will be able to name the note names of the other hymns which you know, and you will be able to write them down on a music stave, or use the Finale software to write your music.

When you have written your music down, you may forget it, but it is not lost.   But if you had only memorized it, and once you forget, the music is lost.   This is the advantage of learning the script.

Gifted musicians, who do not know the script are less effective than those who know it.   If you want to run a choir, you need it.   If you want to play the whole score, you need it.   Do not miss this opportunity just because you do not understand its importance.  If it was not important, I would not have taken so much trouble to give this free to you.


If the right scroll bar is hidden, please reload the file, it will appear.  You can then scroll the music as you sing.

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