Mangalorean Recipes

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Home Friends' Corner Ruth Isaac Stew Eggstra-ordinaire

Stew Eggstra-ordinaire

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In honour of a great cook, my mother Gladys Elisha culinary expert extraordinaire!

The Recipe:


1) 6 hard boiled eggs, peeled and kept aside.

2) 1/2 tsp. turmeric powder; 1 onion, sliced fine; 1 medium tomato chopped; 2 green chillies slit; 2 cloves garlic, minced fine; ½ inch ginger, minced fine; 2 cloves; 1 inch cinnamon; 2 cardamoms; ½ tsp. pepper powder; 1tbsp. vinegar; 250 ml water; 250ml coconut milk(ready made or make it yourself like they did back then);salt to taste.

3) Seasoning: 1 small onion sliced; 1 sprig curry leaves; 2 tbsp oil. Heat oil in a non stick pan. Add curry leaves and then the onions. Stir fry till onions are dark brown.

4) Garnish: few corriander leaves, cut.

Place all ingredients except coconut milk in a pan and bring to the boil. Lower fire and simmer 5 minutes. Add the coconut milk and bring to simmering point. Add eggs,salt to taste and remove. Add seasoning, stir gently and transfer to serving dish. Garnish with corriander leaves and serve hot with rice or bread.

NB: Can add potatoes or vegetables if desired.

Tomatoes are a modern addition. Back then vinegar was generously used as tomatoes and other English vegetables became easily available only after Indian Independence in 1947.


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