Mangalorean Recipes

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Ginger Preserve

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Quantity Measure Ingredients Description
2 Kilogram Ginger Tender
2 Kilogram Sugar  


The ginger should be very tender and without fibers You have to lightly take out the outer skin, and clean it in water, and wipe. 

Use a fork, and prick the ginger, so that it can absorb the sugar syrup. The more you prick, the juicier will the preserve be. When it is sufficiently pricked, the ginger will be soft.

Soak the ginger in HOT WATER for two days, changing the water twice or thrice a day.

Then boil the ginger for five minutes, and squeeze out the water.

In about 4 or 5 cups of water, Put the shells or whites of eggs and boil with sugar. When you can see the dirt of the sugar, come out, strain the sugar water, in a muslin cloth, and remove the dirt with the egg shells. Retain the clean water. 

Continue boiling this sweet water, till it is thick.. Put the ginger, and boil for another 2 hours on slow fire. The sugar water forms a thick syrup and the ginger absorbs most of it.

When the preparation has cooled on its own, it is time to bottle it.

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