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Home Catholic Church Music Masses Mass of the Holy Eucharist - Finale 2007

Mass of the Holy Eucharist - Finale 2007

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   Mass of the Holy Eucharist.

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Lord have mercy

Music Gap Gloria Music Gap Holy

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Can be played and read in Finale Versions of 2007 and later


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The Mass is the most important Sacred Liturgy of the Catholic Church.

The Mass is the commemoration of the Sacrifice of Calvary, starting with the institution of the Holy Eucharist on the day before the crucifixion of Jesus Christ

It is a pity that some in charge of the music which accompanies this liturgy select compositions which are more geared to their tastes, rather than those which portray the majestic events of the time the Sacrifice took place.

The Mass starts with a penitential rite, when a Catholic places himself before the throne of God and pleads for mercy for his inability to perform as He desired him to do.   We ask for mercy from the Lord and Christ who died for us.    Such a momentous event should have befitting music which raises the mind to our inadequacies and the mercy of God that awaits us for the asking..

The Gloria is a prayer of adoration, worship and praise.   We place our humble petitions before the King who deigned to die for our Salvation, so that we could inherit once again the lost paradise which was kept away from us because of our fallen race.   It is  a moment of joy and happiness and the music should portray our gratitude and not treat the sacred precincts where the service is conducted into a dance hall.

Jeremiah was cleansed of his unworthy tongue with a coal in the temple by the angels who sang Holy is the Lord of Hosts.   St. John too saw  in his vision the grandeur of the place where God has his throne.   It is a sublime place where we all wish to be one day.   It is this glorious place that we sing about in the Hymn: Holy and the music should raise our minds to this place.

It is my sincere wish that musicians who want to devote their time to God will go a step forward and learn more of their art, so that they can give their best to God in thanksgiving for what he has done for them.  May they be the true messengers of God, with their talents and gifts and bring the minds of their fellow Catholics to God..


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