Mangalorean Recipes

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Hot and Sour Soup

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Quantity Measure Ingredients
1 Teaspoon Ajinomoto
300 Grammes Bamboo Shoots - "Kirl"
Half Small Cabbage - Green
4 Medium Capsicums - Green
2 Medium Carrots
3 Stalks Celery
4 Tablespoon Chilly Sauce, Green
4 Tablespoon Cooking Oil
4 Tablespoon Corn Flour
100 Grammes French beans
6 Flakes Garlic
2 Inch Ginger
4 Nos Mushrooms
2 Medium Onion
2 Stalks Onion Leeks
3 Salt-Spoon Salt
4 Tablespoon Soya Sauce
1 Teaspoon Sugar
10 Teacup Vegetable Brown Stock (R 84 )
3 Tablespoon Vinegar
1 Teaspoon White Pepper Powder


Finely chop onions, ginger, garlic and carrots.  Wash and finely chop the cabbage, bamboo shoot, celery, spring onions and mushrooms.   Wash, and finely chop the capsicums after removing the seeds.  Wash and finely chop the French beans.

Dissolve corn flour in water and keep aside.

Heat oil in wok and when very hot add garlic, onion and ginger and stir-fry briefly. Add the chopped French beans, carrots, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, celery and stir fry.

Add Soya sauce, sugar, Ajinamoto and mix. Add water or vegetable stock. Mix.
Add Green Chilly Sauce, cabbage and capsicum and continue to cook.

Add the corn flour,  mix and let the soup thicken.

Add salt to taste, vinegar and pepper powder.  Serve hot.

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