Potato Bibek

Bombay Specials - Sweets


Quantity Measure Ingredients Description:
1 Kilogram Potatoes Boil and mash the peeled potatoes
2 Nos. Coconuts - fresh. Extract about 4 cups of coconut juice
6 Nos. Eggs Beat eggs and sugar well.
1 Kilogram Sugar, Table Beat eggs and sugar well.
150 Grams Flour, Maida - (Refined) Add flour to the mashed potatoes
6 Teaspoon Rose Water Add rose water
3 Nos. Nutmeg (Jaiphal) add


Boil and mash the potatoes, without the skin. 
Extract about 4 cups of coconut juice and mix with the mashed potatoes. 
Beat eggs and sugar well.
Add flour to the mashed potatoes, and then the beaten egg and sugar. 
Mix well and add a little coconut juice, if the batter is thick. Add rose water, a pinch of salt and nutmeg powdered.

Heat 4 tablespoon ghee in a vessel and pour in it, the batter. Keep it for five minutes, mixing well.

Grease a tin, and pour in the batter. Bake in a moderate oven, (150F) for 30 to 45 minutes.

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