Food allergy and intolerance

W.J.Pais Food Information - Newsflash

Food allergy and intolerance

If you think you have a food allergy or intolerance, then it's important to get a proper diagnosis. Don't cut food groups out of your diet without medical advice, because you could miss out on important nutrients. This section tells you more about food allergies and intolerances, including what the difference is between them, and the foods that commonly cause reactions. There is also practical advice about what to look for when you’re buying food or eating out.

The directory

Get advice about your condition and find out the difference between an allergy and intolerance

Shopping with a trolley full of food

Buying food

What to look out for when you're shopping for someone with a food allergy or intolerance

Spaghetti bolognese vegetarian

Allergic reactions

Find out about the symptoms of allergic reactions to food


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