Beef Mince Dry

Our Famiily Mangalore - Goa - Beef


Quantity: Measure: Ingredients: Description:
0.5 Kilogram Beef - Mince Wash
15 Grammes Ginger Mince
25 Grammes Chillies Green Mince
2 Salt-Spoon Turmeric Powder Mix
2 Teaspoon Chilly Powder, Red Mix
2 Salt-Spoon Salt Add powder mix
2 Tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce Add powder mix
2 Tablespoon Cooking Oil For frying
4 Medium Onions Mince and fry
0.5 Kilogram Dhal, Chana Add
0.5 Ball Tamarind Make Tamarind Water


Wash the beef mince, and Chana dhal separately, and keep aside.   Mince ingredients kept for that purpose, and mix with the curry powders but not with the minced onions and salt to taste.  Add the sauce.  In case a sour taste is desired, put the tamarind in a little bowl with sufficient water to immerse it, and squeeze the water into the masala and blend with the hand.    Then mix this marinade with the mince, and keep aside for one to two hours to absorb.

At the end of Marination, place a handi on the stove with two tablespoons of cooking oil, and heat it.  Fry the minced onions.   Fry the minced meat  in it, and then add dhal to it, with two cups of water and boil.  Water level should generally be 1 inch above the surface of the cooking materials.  Stir occasionally, and add a little hot water at a time, till the meat is cooked.    When the mince and dhal is cooked, check the taste, and add salt or tamarind water as desired.

When it is almost cooked, the water level may be at the level of the ingredients, and then simmer for a little while, and put the stove off, and let it continue to cook in its own heat.   The dish is thus dry.

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