China Grass Pudding

Mother's Touch Mangalore - Goa - Desserts


Quantity Measure Ingredients
100 Grammes China Grass
0 Little Flavoring
0 Little Sugar
4 Teacup Water


Boil the ingredients and stir as it boils. When the china grass has dissolved, add sugar to taste a few drops of color and flavoring. After boiling for half an hour you should find the ingredients in liquid form. 

Pour it into a dish and allow it to cool. It will harden like a jelly. Either cut into diamond shapes, or pour the liquid in ornamental bowls, to get the shape of the bowl as it hardens.

It may be served with a sauce. China grass can be made into bits and soaked in a little water for half an hour and continued as above. Instead of water, milk may be used.

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