Other Vegetables Boiled

Mangalore - Goa - Vegetables


Quantity Measure Ingredients Description:
  As Required Lady Fingers (Okra, Bhendi) and other vegetables.


Method of cutting the various vegetables for boiling are given below.
Ladyfiners: Remove  the stem, and then in pieces.
Beetroots:  Wash, boil, peel the outer layer, and cut in pieces.
Green Peas: Shell the pod, and wash the peas and boil.
Knolkhol:  Remove the rind, and cut in halves.
Snakegourd:  Scrape the outer skin lightly, remove the pith and seeds, and cut in slices.
Cauliflower:  Keep whole and boil.
French Beans:  Remove the fibre on the sides, but cutting the ends, and stripping the fibre from one end to another and then cut in pieces.
Brinjals: Cut the calix, and make pieces.
Gerkins: Remove the ends and slightly smash them.
Chowli Beans (alsande): Remove the fibre from the sides, by snapping the tips, and stripping the fibre from top to down, and then cut in pieces.
Boiling these vegetables is as in recipe 64 (white pumpkin boiled).


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