Lime Syrup

Mangalore - Goa - Miscellaneous


Quantity Measure  Ingredients  Description
25 Large Lime (fresh) Extract juice
1 Kilogram Sugar Dissovle in water
2 Bottle Water 750 cc


Cut the limes in half, and squeeze all the juice and keep aside for ten hours to settle.  The, skim the top juice in a vessel, without disturbing the bottom sediment.   In a muslin cloth, squeeze out all the juice from the sediment, and add it to the juice.

In a separate vessel  prepare a thick syrup by dissolving  the sugar in two bottles of water, and boil till it forms syrup.   Add the juice at the end, and continue to simmer.   When properly blended, put  the stove off and allow to cool.   Can be stored in bottles and used as and when required to prepare lime juice as a beverage.

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