Ginger Syrup

Mangalore - Goa - Miscellaneous


Quantity Measure Ingredients Description:
Half Kilogram Ginger (Adhrak) tender - Scrape and clean
3 Medium Lime (fresh) (Limbu) remove rinds, squeeze
1, 1/2 Bottle Water 750 cc each
3 Medium Sweet Limes (Musumbis) Extract juice and add
1, 1/2 Kilogram Sugar, Table Dissolve in boiling water


1. Scrape and clean the ginger and grind it well.   Strain on a coarse cloth, and  squeeze out the juice.  
2. Remove the rinds of the limes and squeeze out all the juice.    Do the same for the sweet limes.
3. Put some skins of the limes in a coarse cloth, bundle them and mash them and keep aside.
4. In some water, start boiling the ginger juice, with the juice of sweet limes and sour limes  and place the bundle of lime skins dipped in the boiling water for half an hour.   This gives a tongy flavor.
5. Dissolve the sugar in 1 bottle of water.  Add this to the boiling ginger juice.  
6. Continue boiling, till a syrup is formed.
7. Dilute this syrup in a tumbler of water, adding two spoons of the juice to it or as required by your taste.   Serve cold.

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