Ras Gullas 1

Mangalore - Goa - Sweets


Quantity Measure Ingredients Description:
2.5 Liter Milk Boil
1 Teacup Curds Mix with boiled milk
200 Grams Sugar, Table Make sugar syrup
1/2 Teaspoon Nutmeg powder Add to syrup
1 Pinch Yellow Food Color Add to syrup as per method


Boil the milk in a vessel, which is about six inches deep, and wide at the top, like a wok.   Add curds to it, when it has cooled.   The milk will get curdled.   After it is curdled enough, it will become thick, and then put it in a clean piece of cloth, tie the top of the cloth, and hand it over the sink, for four hours, so that the excess water drains out of the cloth.   When all the water has drained off, knead the curds from the cloth to a fine paste.  

Keep sugar in 3 cups of water in a handi, over the fire and boil till it is tick syrup.   Add to it nutmeg powder and a little yellow food color  dissolved and boiled in a  little water, for 2 minutes.

Make small balls out of the curds paste, and drop them in the syrup when it is cooled.

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