Bole de Marie

Mangalore - Goa - Sweets


Quantity Measure Ingredients Description:
4 units Eggs Egg yolks to be separated from whites.
750 Grams Sugar, Table Beaten with egg yolks
1 Teaspoon Flour, Maida - (Refined) Added to beaten eggs sugar mixture
10 Grams Pista Added to beaten eggs sugar mixture
10 Grams Almonds (Badam) Added to beaten eggs sugar mixture
10 Grams Plums Added to beaten eggs sugar mixture
1 units Coconut (Narial) Added to beaten eggs sugar mixture
2 Tablespoon Butter Added to beaten eggs sugar mixture
5 Ml. Rose Water Added to beaten eggs sugar mixture


Knead sugar and yolks add flour, butter, ground coconut, last the whites of eggs, beaten to a stiff froth and rose water - Bake in thallis the next morning.


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