Mangalorean Recipes

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Puff Pastry

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Quantity Measure Ingredients Description:
225 Grams Flour, Wheat - (Atta) Making dough
1 Teaspoon Lime Juice Making dough
0.5 Teaspoon Salt Making dough
1 Teacup Water Ice cold for dough
170 Grams Margarine for making dough
1 Nos. Eggs beaten To brush on surface.


1. Make a soft dough using salt, flour, lime juice , ice water, and a little margarine.
2. Keep the dough covered with a wet cloth for fifteen minutes
3. Roll the dough into a rectangle, and spread the margarine on three fourth of the dough.
4. Fold into 3 foldings, - the empty portion first.
5. Keep in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
6. Repeat the process three times, but without margarine.
7. Roll and cut as desired.
8. Brush the pastry with egg, beaten with a little water.
9. Place filling in the center and fold. Brush the top with egg.
10. Bake on a tray sprinkled with water. 

Cheese Straws:
Brush the pastry with egg, sprinkle grated cheese, that has been mixed with a little flour and chilly powder to taste. Roll out lightly, repeat the process, and cut into strips, and twist, and bake in a try sprinkled with water.

Khara Biscuits:
Pastry should be thicker, brush with egg - cut into squares and bake on a wet tray.


Brush the pastry with egg, Sprinkle sugar, roll lightly. Repeat the process on the other side as well. Fold the pastry towards the center press the two sides cut into half inch sections and bake in a wet tray.

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