Mangalorean Recipes

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Home Catholic Church Music Jesus To Jesus Heart All Burning

To Jesus Heart All Burning

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1 To Jesus' Heart all burning
with fervent love for men,
My heart with fondest yearning,
Shall raise its joyful strain.

While ages course along,
Blest be, with loudest song,(3x)

The Sacred Heart of Jesus
By ev'ry heart and tongue,
The Sac-red Heart of Jesus
By ev'ry heart and tongue.

2 Oh! Heart for me on fire
with love no man can speak
My yet untold desire
God gives me for Thy sake.

While ages course along,
Blest be, with loudest song,

The Sacred Heart of Jesus
By ev'ry heart and tongue,
The Sacred Heart of Jesus
By ev'ry heart and tongue.

Information on this melody: it was composed by a German named Alloys Schorr and called 'Dem Herzen Jesu Singe'. It was translated by the Rev. A. J. Christie S.J. 


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