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Home Catholic Church Music Information Finale Music Software Products

Finale Music Software Products

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Finale Notation Family


Finale, Allegro, PrintMusic, Finale SongWriter, and NotePad offer a full range of power and price to suit your notation needs. And best of all, you'll never outgrow the Finale family. View product comparison chart.

Files created using products of the same version number are interchangeble. That means users of NotePad, Finale SongWriter, PrintMusic, Allegro, and Finale can all share files with each other. Files created in an older version can also be opened in newer versions of Finale software.

So when you decide to move up to Allegro or Finale for more power and flexibility, everything you've learned and created is instantly usable. No data is lost, and you don't have to learn a new program.


Click on Downloads:

NOTE   Just select the Platform: Windows or Macintosh  and click on search.  You will get the different downloads that are available.  You have to make an account using your email  address as your User ID and a password of your choice.   This will store the history of your purchases and updates on the website of Finale or Makemusic.    You can choose other prodcuts too which are available for a price or as a free trial.


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