Mangalorean Recipes

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Always, I will Sing

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Music: Glenn Isaac.  Voice: Maria Genevieve

1.Always I will sing of the glory of the Lord. (2)
Always, always I will sing of the glory of the Lord.
Always, always, always.
Praise Him, praise Him, great are His mighty deeds.
Love Him, love Him, He is ever merciful.

Praise Him, praise Him, great  are His mighty deeds,
Sing of the glory of the Lord,
Always, always, always.

2. Always I will sing of the glory of the Lord. (2)
Always, always I will sing of the glory of the Lord.
Always, always, always.
Thank Him, thank Him for the wonders He has done.
Love Him; love Him, for He loved us to the end. (Praise…
Praise Him, praise Him, great are His mighty deeds,
Sing of the glory of the Lord,
Always, always, always.

3. Always I will sing of the glory of the Lord. (2)
Always, always I will sing of the glory of the Lord.
Always, always, always.
Name Him; name Him, King of the universe.
Love Him; love Him, for He is the God of love. (Praise…
Praise Him, praise Him, great are His mighty deeds,
Sing of the glory of the Lord,
Always, always, always.
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