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Home Mangalore/Goa Recipes Beef Beef stake wth Mlore Stew Powder

Beef stake wth Mlore Stew Powder

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Quantity Measure Ingredients Description:
2 Medium Beef - Steak A. (Sirloin preferred as they are less fat and lean cut)
2 Tablespoon Meat Curry Powder B. Stew powder for marinade
1/2 Pods  (whole          Garlic (Lason, Losun) B. For Marinade. Paste
1 Inch Ginger (Adhrak) B. For Marinade. Paste
1/2 Tablespoon Garam-Masala B. For Marinade. Paste
1 Nos. Lime (fresh) (Limbu) B. For Marinade. Paste
1/2 Teaspoon Salt B. For Marinade. Paste
1 Medium Onion C. Salad
3 Medium Tomatoes C. Salad
  As Required Coriander Leaves (Kothmeer) C. Salad
  As Required Salt C. Salad
1 As Required Curds C. Salad
  As Required Coriander Leaves (Kothmeer) C. Salad
1 Pinch Pepper Powder C. Salad
3-4 Medium Potatoes D. Mashed Potatoes
1 Teacup Beef - Soup Stock E. Gravy - use "Beef Soup" recipe


A.  Prepare steaks of sirloin. And marinade it with the Marinde - B.

B. Marinade:  Make a paste with stew,ginger-garlic,lime, salt and garam masala. Marinate the steaks for atleast an hour. preferably keep in fridge for softness to retain.

C. Salad.
1 onion , 3 tomatoes, coriander leaves salt to taste , plain yogurt/curd.chop the onion and tomatoes. marinate in curd add salt a a pinch of pepper.

D. Mashed Potatoes:
Boil 3-4 potatoes, peel after boiling and mash the same(either in mixer or hand)

E.  |Gravy:
- use "Beef Soup" recipe

to grill stake:
pre-heat over 190 degree for 10 mins.
spread olive oil \ veg oil in the kitchen foil, place the marinated steaks and grill for
20 mins. change sides and another 10 mins.

serve stake with salad, mash potato and gravy hot.

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