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Home Food for Thought Spiritual Fr. Edwin Pinto of Mount Roisary

Fr. Edwin Pinto of Mount Roisary

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History of Founder;

A short history of the Founder of, Helpers of Mount Rosary. Fr. Edwin C Pinto

Edwin Celestine Pinto is the eldest son in the family of Boniface and Theresa Pinto of Vittal.  He was born on 2-5-1932. His early studies took place at St Rita’s Church School and Board school Vittal. The parents were taking Edwin for daily mass at Vittal Church, and thus it developed a love in him for the church, the Eucharist and the Christian faith. Moreover there have been many religious priests and sisters in the family before him. Soon after the education of Edwin in Vittal, he was admitted at St Aloysius collage Mangalore. After the school final, Bishop Victor R Fernandes of Mangalore admitted him to St Joseph seminary Mangalore to be a diocesan priest

In studies, Brother Edwin Celestine was satisfactory, but was very good in music and extra curricular activities. In the theology section, he was the choir master. Fr Edwin was ordained a priest by Bishop Basil Peris on April 2 1957.

His first appointment as an assistant was to St Vincent Ferrer Church Valencia, Mangalore, where he became known not only for liturgical singing but also for preaching the Word of God. 

Very next year, He was sent to Neleshwar parish, now given over to Connore Diocese, so that, he could bring peace among disputant people over there. 

In the 4th year of his priesthood, he was sent to the Sacred Heart Parish in Basrikatte, then under, the Diocese of Mysore. Now it is under the Chikmangalur diocese. Again there was a division of people and families at Basrikatte. Fr. Pinto’s advent solved all the disputes and divisions, because he celebrated Eucharist homily and preached only Jesus Christ and just explained the word of God. He constantly visited parish families and listened to them both in their successes and failures. Thus they were able not only to build a new church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, but also the new parish. 

He invited and brought the Bethany Sisters from Mangalore to start first, the higher elementary school and then the high school. The people of Basrikatte appreciated the spiritual services of Fr Pinto, and arranged for him to go to Kuwait to preach a retreat for the Mangalore community over there and they took him to the Holy Land for a pilgrimage. 

On his return from holy land, then the Administrator Msgr William Lewis called him back to the Mangalore Diocese. For the next three years he worked at St Anthony’s Church Sasthan, and then at St John Baptist Church, Permude. It is in these churches, that Fr Pinto engaged himself in human development programmes like, house building works for the homeless, boat a family programme for Mabukal families in Sasthan, agricultural projects in Permude, and built a community hall over there, for youth activities.

In the year 1970, Bishop Basil D Souza from Mangalore approached Fr Pinto and asked him to organize, human development activities and projects for the whole of the diocese of Mangalore and asked him to head Caritas Mangalore. Fr Pinto first studied how to organize social work, at the India Social Institute, Bangalore, and then went to the Agriculture Institute at Allahabad, to study dry cultivation and was also given scholarship to study human development and co-operatives at the Coady Institute, St Francis Xavier University Antigonish, Canada. After his return from Canada, Fr Pinto together with Bishop D Souza founded CODP (Canara Organization for Development and Peace) an independent trust, for the development work of the diocese. 

He resided at Vamanjoor, in an old house, belonging to the Social Action of the diocese. In Vamanjoor he built the following programmes.

-building Houses for the homeless, evicted from the Panamboor harbour project.
- School of Agriculture,Vamanjoor, to train small farmers of Mangalore villages.
- Kiran Centre project, to train village social workers.
- built both St Joseph the worker parish and the Church new of Vamanjoor
- besides these, from his office at the Bishops House he launched the following programmes.
- Reconstruction and self sufficiency programmes for 28 orphanages and children homes in the diocese.
- started Non- formal education programme in nearly 80 parishes of the diocese, to help catholic families in

 self employment programmes.

- founded Rusemp, a rural self employment training programme for young men and young women of all denominations, at Pakshikere,
- launched Belthangady package programme.wherein he implemented not only agriculture programmes but also animal husbenry programmes and health programme. The L M Pinto Hospital at Badyar is his brain child, now well managed by the Bethany sisters.

After having worked over 12 years in CODP, Fr Pinto was transferred as Manager at St Joseph Asylum workshops, Jeppu, Mangalore. In 3 yrs time, he brought in new machines for the workshops, and saved it from liquidation and there was not a single incident of labour strike, during his tenure.

After his work at Jeppu workshops, Bishop Basil D’ Souza transferred him as the Director of Mount Rosary Charitable Institutions at Moodbidri. He came here in the year 1989. For 5 years He was also the Vicar General of the Mangalore Diocese. Soon after His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has made him a Monsignor, with the title, chaplain to the Holy Father. This year on May 2, 2012 he completes 80 years of his life, and 55 years of priesthood on April 2, 2012.

A short report of Health and medical work at Mount Rosary hospital, Alangar, Moodbidri.

1. Introduction:
Mount Rosary Charitable Institutions celebrates its 75 years jubilee on June 27, 2012. It has done 75 years of medical service especially for tuberculosis patients. therefore it was earlier called Mount Rosary Sanatorium. Gradually Mount Rosary gave medical assistance, to all other minor sickness cases, and diseases prevalent in our tropical atmosphere. Therefore, out patient medical treatment also began. The name Mount Rosary Sanatorium gradually changed into Mont Rosary Hospital. It has presently, 20 inpatients beds, because when out patient care was initiated a few cases needed in patient care for a while. The health care at the hospital has gradually grown.

2. The present facilities at Mount Rosary Hospital:
Medical personnel properly qualified is very important for better service and growth of a hospital. We have constant inflow of M.B.B.S doctors from St. John’s medical hospital Bangalore. These doctors after their medical studies and one year practical come to Mount Rosary hospital for two years services. Then they go for higher studies. Presently we have Dr. Adrian D;Souza who has passed well in his medical studies, did one years of practical and serves Mount Rosary. He has just come and is practicing around a dozen patients everyday.

Every Friday post-graduate student doctors and one or two specialists come to Mount Rosary hospital to serve sick people from 9.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. They have been treating 30-40 patients in the session. The doctors who presently come from Fr. Muller’s are serving sick people of general medicine, skin disease and orthopedics. Fr. Muller’s has not been able to give us a lady obstetrics and gynecology doctor because they are short in supply. We are putting efforts to get an OBG doctor as early as possible.

But in Psychiatric and counseling, we have received good cooperation and collaboration by a doctor called. Dr. Virupaksha from Udupi Psychiatric medical hospital. This doctor comes every second Sunday of the month to Mount Rosary hospital and psychiatric cases of students of young men and women and even aged come for assistance. On an average 50 patients are treated during the day. Dr. Virupaksha himself has found the need to come to Mount Rosary hospital on another day of the month.

3. Other medical personnel at Mount Rosary hospital :
Mount Rosary hospital has four qualified nurses and three medical helpers. We have two laboratory technicians and two more Xray technicians. There is also and sister Medical Administrator. All these medical personnel have done qualified medical training in their department, to make our services effective and according to the medical requirement. We have medical dispensary also, though we do not have a pharmacy trained medical personnel. But our sister nurses do the needful in dispensing medicines under the prescriptions of the doctor.

4. Diagnostic department at Mount Rosary hospital :

Diagnosis of any disease is very important for treatment of sicknesses and ailments. Till now we had the Xray, lab tests, B.P. instruments, E.C.G. etc for diagnosis. But form last one year we have two extra machines, which have cost us over Rs. 5,00,000/- The machines are
Arba Machine/ for biochemistry tests which does the examination of liver functioning, kidney tests, electrolyte tests for sodium and potassium investigation and lipid profile for cholesterol investigation.
Hematology machine for the test of hemoglobin, for total count of blood Albanian platelet count for investigation of platelet count in the blood. Everyday we get three or four cases for the different tests.

5. Minor Operation Theatre:
The Minor O.T. department at Mount Rosary hospital has acquired a O.T. operation table, it has acquired a necessary medical cupboard, with sterilizer, necessary gauzes, bandages, gowns and glouse, a number of different operation instruments and also an air conditioner with air-conditioned operation rooms, costing over Rs. Five lakhs. It is hear the role and support of Mr and Mrs. Joras has been that of a great Samaritan. God bless them both and all his dear ones. With these provision secured, our medical doctor is able to do minor surgeries, stitch wounds and cuts and give effective first – aids. When we have more qualified
surgeons the O.T. department will hopefully become very effective.

6. Various ailments that are treated at Mount Rosary hospital:
Mount Rosary has been a T.B. Sanatorium and T.B. cases come to our hospital even now. Presently we have half a dozen of them. Besides T.B. asthma cases are coming for treatment. General sicknesses like tropical fevers, stomach upsets, wounds and cuts, diabetic cases, and blood pressure cases do come. One or two cases of poisons bites came in. With first aid done by Mount Rosary sisters they were rushed for higher treatment to more equipped hospital by our medical vehicle and the life is saved.

7. Prevention of diseases:
Mount Rosary hospital believes not only in curative medicines but also in prevention of disease and promotion of health. Our doctor and sister nurses give classes to different groups of people, children student groups, women groups, and young grils. And sometimes men and women together, specially in topics of psychiatrics.

The main topics dealt in the year are as follows,
First aid, gynecology and obstructers, cancer, urinary infections, general health and body cleaning, cleanliness and environment, tensions, alcoholism, nutrition, etc.

Conclusion :
Mount Rosary hospital needs very much a gynecology and obstetrics department. For this a post graduate experienced preferably a lady OBG doctor is very important. We are trying our level best to find out. Our sisters contacted many OBG doctors to help us out in finding a doctor. We tried with Fr. Muller’s medical college hospital as well as St. John’s hospital Bangalore. They have assured to search and help us out. We advertised in newspaper calling for the OBG doctor. Till now we did not have a fruitful answer. Still we hope, to be successful in the near future for which we pray to the Lord.

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