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Home Other Regions Mexican Tortillas - Corn Flour

Tortillas - Corn Flour

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2TeacupCorn Flourmasa harina
1, 1/4TeacupWaterHot.


Unlike flour tortillas, corn Tortillas usually do not contain any added oil. They can be made with corn flour, but the traditional recipe uses something called masa harina or masa flour. -  (In India, maize flour)

Masa harina is made from corn soaked in lime and then dried and ground into a powder. It may not sound very appetizing, but masa is a traditional ingredient in many dough containing Latin American dishes, such as tortillas and tamales. Masa can be found in any Hispanic neighborhood and some larger supermarkets as well. A common brand  is made by Quaker, an American company.  If you can not find masa, try the recipe with regular corn flour (not corn meal or corn starch). The results are acceptable, but they are not authentic in taste and usually tougher in texture than tortillas made with masa.

Mix masa and water by hand until all of the tortilla mix is moistened and a dough forms. Add more water if necessary. Cover with damp towel and let rest 10 minutes.

Make about 12 one inch balls. Flatten and roll each ball into a tortilla. Cook on a very hot cast iron skillet. No oil is necessary. Flip when the edge starts to stiffen and the top looks dry. Use a spatula to lift the edge and  flip completely. Keep the cooked tortillas warm by covering with a damp towel while you continue to cook.

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