Mangalorean Recipes

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Masala Dosa 2

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Quantity Measure Ingredients Description
4 Medium Chillies, Green For stuffing
1 Sprigs/Twigs Curry Leaves For seasoning
1 Teacup Dhal, Urid  
2 Flakes Garlic For stuffing
1 Inch Ginger For stuffing
1/2 Teaspoon Jeera/Cumin Seeds  
1/2 Teaspoon Mustard Seed  
1 Large Onion For stuffing
2 Large Potatoes For stuffing
3 Teacup Rice, Raw soaked overnight at room temp.
1/2 Teaspoon Saunf - Fennel Seeds  


Soaked separately overnight.   A  blender cuts the grains into fine pieces, but does not "mash" them like the stone grinders do. So there is a good deal of difference taste when you use a blender. But still, it is not bad at all if you make sure that you grind the rice really fine. Cover the rice with water just 1/2" above the rice line in the blender. Grind till smooth. Grind the Dal separately, with water that barely covers it. Grind a long time, stirring once in a while with the grinder in off position and continue grinding again. When the Dal is ground very well.  Add more water if necessary. But this should be very thick.  Mix  the rice and the urid Dal pastes, with 1/2 tsp salt. Add one tablespoon beaten yogurt, and mix well. Keep covered to let it ferment fro at least 5 to 8 hrs or more.  In cold climates, keep it close to a heater or in any warm place. Once it has risen, stir briefly, and keep it join the fridge. 

You have the batter now. Grease a non-stick frying pan with plain cooking oil . The heat should be medium or slightly higher. When hot  using a ladle, pour one ladleful in the frying pan; with quick and even and gentle strokes, spread the batter out with the spatula as if you are drawing concentric circles on the batter.  Once the bottom is cooked, turn it over, and cook the top. Be careful when using your spatula (metal preferred) to take it out to flip it. This can be served with  coconut chutney  or Sambar. 

You can make a filling for the Dosa as follows:

1. Take 2 large boiled potatoes, peel and mash coarsely.
2. Thinly slice one large red onion, 2 cloves of garlic (optional) and 3 or 4 green chillies.
3. Grate a 1" piece of ginger.
4. Cut up a tomato 
5. Take a sprig of curry leaves and chop them coarsely.
6. Heat some cooking oil, add some  cumin seeds (1/2 tsp)
7. Add 1/2 tsp of black mustard seeds in the heated oil.
8. When they crackle, add the green chillies, ginger, garlic (if used), and onions and fry them with a little salt for a while till onions are transparent. Add curry leaves.
9. Next add 1/2 packet of frozen peas, and fry for 5 minutes.
10. Add the potatoes, and more salt if desired. stir well till blended
11. Add some chopped coriander leaves  if you want.


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