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Home Mangalore/Goa Recipes Sweets Patholeos - Saffron Leaves

Patholeos - Saffron Leaves

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Quantity Measure Ingredients Description:
1 Kilogram Rice, Boiled (ukda chawal) Wash, soak and glrind
A Little Salt For taste
2 Nos. Coconut tender For filling
400 Grams Jaggery For filling
1 Teaspoon Cardamom Powder For filling


Wash and soak rice and grind to make a thick and dry dough. Add some salt to taste while grinding. 

Prepare a filling with finely scraped coconuts adding the powdered cardamom and jaggery and mix everything well. 

Clean the turmeric leaves ('haldi khole' in Konkani) with a wet towel, and on the smooth front side of each saffron leaf, spread evenly a little dough 3mm thick. Place a little of the coconut filling in the center and fold the leaf over, pressing  firmly  the edges of the dough with fingers moistened with water.

Steam all the 'patoleos' in a thondor, by placing them on the middle separator.  When the leaves have a faded colour, remove one cake, and see if it is cooked. If not continue for more time. When the water is boiling steam is produced, and the cakes get cooked in it. So, please check the level of the water when you open the thondor. If the water is low, add hot boiling water to increase the level. 

If there is more dough, then start the process again, with a second round of the same process.

Serve with leaves on, in a dish.

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