Mangalorean Recipes

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Coconut Burfi 2

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QuantityMeasure Ingredients Description
0.25TeacupCashew NutsCrushed
1TeacupCoconut Desiccated 


1.Heat the sugar and water on a low heat to make a thick syrup.
2.Remove any scum from the syrup. Add the finely grated coconut and crushed cardamoms. Mix thoroughly.
3.Grease a plate with the Ghee clarified butter) and set aside.
4.Turn off the heat while the mixture is still a thick pouring consistency. Add the chopped cashew nuts. Mix thoroughly.
5.Pour the coconut mixture onto the greased plate and quickly spread with a spatula.
6. After a few minutes, cut into diamond-shaped pieces with a sharp knife and Store in an airtight container.

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