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Home Food for Thought General Topics Wishing all of you Blessings of Christmas

Wishing all of you Blessings of Christmas

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Some days to be long and some short.  It depends on how we look at them.   When things are lousy, they seem really dreary and long.   When they make us happy, they always fade away as quickly as they dawned.

Why not make the life of all those around us a little brighter with all the gifts and talents we have been given.    Life is really short.   At 81 I feel it started just the other day.   The days fly by fast.   Let us make good use of them when were are alive.   Young folks often make the mistake, of thinking life never ends.  Soon, they will find themselves in my  shoes.  So be a little wary.   Be kind to all those around you, and do not lose your temper on them.   Kindness spreads happiness, like a nice sandwich spread.

All the joys of the season, may them be yours now and in the years to come.

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