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Home Glossary Plant Derivatives Banana Heart - Bondi

Banana Heart - Bondi

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In addition to the fruit, the flower of the banana plant (also known as banana blossom or banana heart) - called "bondi" is used in Southeast Asian, Bengali and Kerala (India) cuisine, either served raw with dips or cooked in soups and curries. The tender core - called "kandi" of the banana plant's trunk is also used, notably in Burmese, Bengali and Kerala cooking. Bananas fried with batter is a popular dessert in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. Banana fritters can be served with ice-cream as well. The juice extract prepared from the tender core is used to treat kidney stones.

The leaves of the banana are large, flexible, and waterproof; they are used in many ways, including as umbrellas and to wrap food for cooking. Chinese zongzi (bamboo leaves are more commonly used where available) and Central American tamales are sometimes steamed in banana leaves, and the Hawaiian imu is often lined with them. Puerto Rican "pasteles" are boiled wrapped and tied inside the leaf.


The tender core of the trunk of the banana plant is also used for cooking.

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