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Home Glossary Staple Foods Rava - Semolina

Rava - Semolina

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Semolina is the purified middlings of Durum wheat used in making pasta; also, the coarse middlings used for breakfast cereals and puddings

Semolina, made from Durum wheat, is known in North India as Soji; in South India, Rava. In Turkey, semolina is known as irmik.

In South India, semolina is used to make such delicacies as rava dosa and upma. In North India it is used for sweets such as suji halwa.

A popular dessert in Greece ("Halvas"), Cyprus ("Halouvas" or "Helva"), Turkey ("Helva"), Iran ("Halva"), and by Arab countries ("Halwa") is sometimes made with semolina scorched with sugar, butter, milk and pine nuts. In some cultures, it is served at funerals, during special celebrations or as a religious offering. In much of North Africa and the Middle East, durum semolina is made into the staple couscous.
Semolina made from durum wheat is yellow in color. It is usually prepared with the main dish, either boiled with water into a pasty substance, e.g. as gnocchi (in Italy), or as the basis for dried products such as couscous (North Africa), and bulgur (Turkey and the Levant). Couscous is made by mixing roughly 2 parts semolina with 1 part durum flour.

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