Mangalorean Recipes

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Salads, similar to gravies and sauces, are served with vegetables, fish and meat dishes. A salad, increases the appetite as well as makes the dinner table attractive when properly or ornamentally arranged. Salads are generally made of green vegetables, cooked or un-cooked, seasoned with salt, vinegar or other acids, green chillies, ginger and onion and at times mixed with thin slices of boiled eggs, fish or meat and salad dressing. All the materials used should be quite fresh.

Salad dressing is prepared by carefully mixing eggs, olive oil, butter, pepper and spice powder, mustard powder and salt, sometimes also flour. Beat the eggs or yolks or white of eggs, as the case may be, with pepper, mustard or spice powder and salt, then add oil and vinegar little by little and mix all well for a long time, till it is a smooth cream. If flour is used, boil the ilk and add flour previously mixed with a little water, and boil, stirring all the while for about five minutes. Then blend into it beaten eggs, pepper powder, oil, vinegar and mix well This dressing is poured over the salad. Some Indian salad, like cucumber, Brinjal, potato salads are dressed with thick coconut juice or curds.

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