Mangalorean Recipes

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HTML clipboardIt denotes the work of food preparation. It is done by the help of heat, which may be generated by fire lit by kerosene, coal, wood, gas or electricity. A knowledge of calories and nutrients is very helpful in preparing a balanced diet. This is absolutely necessary when one wants a healthy family. Once should not wait till sickness visits the family. But tastes, being subjective, it would be helpful for the person who prepares the food, that the family members would be accommodating, and not treat their home as a hotel or restaurant. However, within the parameters of the family taste, one could see how the best nutritious food, could be obtained with the ingredients that may be available.

Ingredients may be many, but at a given time, only a few may be available. Even these will shrink, if the taste buds are restricting the range.

Raw food becomes digestible, when cooked. Thus problems in the alimentary canal, can arise through badly cooked food. Instead of going about it, the humdrum way, it would be desirable, to look at the art, in a scientific way.

The Objective of Cooking food, is to give nutrition to the family.
The choice of recipe and ingredients, is subjective to the taste buds. So if you are fussy, you have less choices, and think of the whole life ahead, eating the same old things. If the work load is given to the mother, and the rest of the members sit on their lofty pedestals, the poor old lady, will one day get fed up. Let the others take chances in helping her, and thus give a touch of their talents to their family as well. The mother should not be possessive of her kitchen, and prevent the others from using it. It will not be helpful for herself in the long run.

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