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Home Catholic Church Music Jesus I am the Living Bread

I am the Living Bread

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I am the Living Bread that came from Heaven
And all who eat it, will live for ever,
The Bread that I will give, will be my own flesh
And I will offer it to give you Life.



1. If you reject this flesh, or fail to drink my blood

I tell you solemnly, there'll be no life in you

If you do trust in me, and do as I command

You'll have eternal life and live in me.....Chorus

2. My flesh is food indeed, my blood is real drink

He who does what I say, will find real life in him,

My Father gives me life, when I do live in Him,

That same life you will get, taking this Bread.....Chorus

3. This is my Sacrament, which feeds my people

I give them holiness and give them life divine

So that they'll all be one, united in my love

I'll lead them with my hand, to share my life.....Chorus


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