Mangalorean Recipes

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Litany of the Saints.

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Good Friday

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Melody changes with each alphabet group. All "A' groups have the same tune. Same applies to B and C


Melody changes with each alphabet group.   All "A' groups have the same tune.  Same applies to B and C

Ø In Group C,  Response is sung as counter melody, with the underlined name of the Saint/s

Cycle 1


Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy.  

Christ have mercy, Christ have mercy.

Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy.




Holy Mary, Mother of God,  Pray Oh pray for us.  

Saint Michael, Pray oh pray for us.  




Holy  Ø Angels of God

             Pray, Oh pray for us)   counter melody:

St. John the Baptist 

                     Pray, Oh pray for us) counter melody:  

Saint Joseph, Pray Oh, pray for us.




Cycle 2




Saints Peter and Paul - Pray Oh pray for us.  

Saint Andrew - Pray Oh pray for us.  

Saint John - Pray Oh pray for us.




Saint Mary Magdalene - Pray Oh pray for us.  

Saint Stephen - Pray Oh pray for us




Saint Ø Ignatius.  (counter melody: 

Pray, Oh pray for us)    

Saint Lawrence (counter melody: 

Pray, Oh pray for us)  

Saints Perpetua and Felicity -  Pray Oh Pray for us.



Cycle 3


Saint Agnes - Pray Oh Pray for us.  

Saint Gregory - Pray Oh Pray for us.

Saint Augustine - Pray Oh Pray for us




Saint Athanasius - Pray Oh pray for us.  

Saint Basil - Pray Oh pray for us.  




Saint Ø Martin - (counter melody: 

Pray, Oh pray for us)    

Saint Benedict - (counter melody: 

Pray, Oh pray for us)    

Saints Francis  and Dominic Pray oh Pray for us.




Cycle 4




St. Francis Xavier  --  Pray oh Pray for us.

St. John Vianney - Pray oh Pray for us.

Saint Catherine - Pray oh Pray for us.




Saint Theresa  -  Pray oh Pray for us.

All holy men and women   -  Pray oh Pray for us.




Lord be merciful - counter melody :  

Lord save your people

From all evil - counter melody :  

Lord save your people



Cycle 5


(for baptism)


Give life to these chosen ones  /  by the grace of  baptism - Lord hear our prayer.


(for blessing of the font)


By your grace bless this font /  where your children will be   reborn

Lord hear our prayer.


Christ hear us,   Christ  hear us.


Lord Jesus hear our prayer,  Lord Jesus hear our prayer.


To download this music click on the word download, with right mouse click, and choose in IE "Save Target As"  -  In Foxpro use "Save Link As" and file the MIDI file in a folder and play through the system device.




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