A musical sound is generated by uniform vibration of sound producing materials, like guitar strings. A tensioned guitar string produces sound of x number of uniform vibrations. If the length of the string is reduced by half, the number of vibrations are doubled (i.e. become 2x).. The pitch of the second sound will be higher than the former.. Between these two sounds, (x vibrations and 2x vibrations) we take 12 distinct sounds in an ascending order of vibrations for the production of music.
Of these 12 sounds, only seven are actually used in a given tune. At the end of the 12th sound the first sound gets duplicated at double the vibrations of the former sound. This 12 note sound-set repeats at higher and lower sections of the sound range and is called the Chromatic Scale.
The Major Scale:
The set of 7 sounds used in a given tune is called a Scale Names are given to these seven sounds. Below you will find 3 sets of names.. The first one consists of the English Alphabet, the second set is of Latin names and the third consists of Indian Music names.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
1 |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
A |
B |
C |
Do |
Re |
Mi |
Fa |
Sol |
La |
Si |
Do |
Sa |
Re |
Ga |
Ma |
Pa |
Da |
Ni |
Sa |
The first set: C D E is given to the different keys on the Organ keyboard and remains unchanged.
The second and third name sets are best suited for singers, as these names end with vowel sounds.
There are other selections forming Minor Scales. In the Indian System there are many more scales, which are called
Music script is learnt by the singer, as well as one who wants to play an instrument. The music for both is written on music sheets, in the musical script.Among singers, there are those with a higher voice range, and those with a lower voice range. The higher ranges are called Soprano infemales and Tenors in males. The lower ranges are called Alto in females and Bass in males. Thus the whole human voice range starts with the lowest pitch which can be sung by a Bass singer to the highest pitch that can be sung by a Soprano singer. Just as there are primary colors
and secondary colors in the Spectrum, there are also consonants and dissonants in Sounds. All
alternate sounds produce consonance, and the smallest group of three alternate sounds is called
the chord. There are two types of chords, the Major ones and the Minor ones. Harmony is the art of setting these sounds in an orderly fashion, so that the four parts: Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass move in harmony. This is initially felt by the talented musician, who can set these parts to flow. Classical musicians did this instintively, and set a standard for those who followed. Just like there are Grammaticians who have analyzed the spoken language, and deciphered the
laws of language, and we follow the Grammar, to understand the language better, and avoid ungrammatical sentences, in Music too, analysts of coded the structure of music composed by Classical musicians and arrived at a set of rules, which less talented musicians can follow. These rules are called the laws of harmony.
Most important ones are that no two voices can go in parallel, except for reinforcement, in passages but not as a standard. These laws can be studied by keyboard players to assist in their compositions of music, for choral works, and also for instrumental works. This has to be handled by advanced musicians, after persistent study.One should set his parts and then play the music in score form, and when one feels uncomfortable, should check for violation of rules.
After playing music of classical masters, one's ear gets set, to the standard. Thus when one tries to compose his own music, this standard will act as a barrier to bad compositions. It is just like
a good cook, tastes the food, and finds what is lacking. Every good composer, should learn to play his music. Now-a-days you have software, which can play the composition, and you can feel, when something is wrong.Finale produces a range of products to write music and print it. Go to
the website and choose a product that fits your budget.
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