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Home Music Study Vocal Music and Sight Reading FAQ Music Exercises in Notation Form

Music Exercises in Notation Form

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Script reading and playing a keyboard needs practice.  Choir masters can use these exercises to teach their members how to read music.   Once they know it, the practices will be more effective, and one could achieve  a lot of work in short time.   You can even have choral music at every mass.

My 12 member choir took 30 hours, one hour per Sunday, and learnt to read music.  We continued for seven years, till I had to wind up due to illness.   The group got disbanded since, but people have to trust themselves, and more people should come forward to train, and practice.

Why not give the Lord the best you have, rather than be satisfied with mediocre performances.

Best of luck.

Read the various chapters and the music exercises that are provided in those chapters.

Slow and steady you will reach your goal.

You need to download first a Finale Software to open these files.

Free:  Finale Reader.  Only for reading, saving and printing.

Notepad 2010  For writing music and playing back files, printing and saving   US $ 10

Printmusic: Advanced software chargeable. - useful for composers, and song writers.


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