Mangalorean Recipes

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Salted Pork

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Quantity Measure Ingredients Description
1/2 Kilogram Pork Belly part
1-2 Tablespoon Salt - Crystals To marinate the pork
2 Large Onions  
4 Nos. Chillies Kashmir  
4 Nos. Kokum - Bindi Solan (Garcinia Indica) Cut in small pieces


To start buy the belly piece of pork.   Cut it in large pieces, and make slits on the surface.
This helps marination.   Use  salt crystals and rub it  to the meat pieces, and store it in the fridge for three days to absorb the salt.

Actual Use:

To use the salted pork, take out the quantity you want from the fridge.  Cut the meat into pieces that  you would want to eat.   Cut the pork into medium pieces

Put a vessel on the fire and add the pork, no need to add any oil as the meat will cook in its own fat.    Fry the pork in its own fat - stir fry.   If it begins to stick to the vessel add a little water to avoid it  from burning.   After the meat is fried, if you need you can add some water to cook the meat.   Fry the kashmir chiies cut in bits and onions, sliced.
Add the Kokam pieces which will give a little sour taste to the meat.  Stir well to blend it.


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