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Home Food for Thought Tragedies of our Times A Peep Into History III

A Peep Into History III

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West after the fall of Constantinople:

The first initiative to find new routes to India were taken by Spain and Portugal.   Columbus was refused by Portugal, as Bartolomeo Dias had already discovered West coast of Africa, so he got the support from Spain.   As they got into this race first, the other sea faring nations like France, Holland and Britain, were to follow later.    In this game, the ultimate winner was the British, who built an empire, and with the wealth they got, a revolution called the Industrial Revolution changed the face of Europe.    Germany which was the seat of the emperor who succeeded the Western Roman empire, was left behind.   The geopolitical games of these powers started first, as trade wars, the fall out of their wars in Europe, was taken into their colonies as well.

When the western powers approached India for trade, initially, they took permission from the Moguls who ruled the country.   In the Battle of Plassey,  Bengal was ceded to the British.   It was an internal plot which destabilized the State.    From now on, we see how the Western Powers brought the colonial subjects under their grip, by their "Divide and Rule"  policy.    This has continued and they have become past masters in this game.    They showed how they could manipulate the Middle East, after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, by planting their own dictators over the Arab masses, who in the past used to do servile obeisance to the Ottoman Turks.   This tendency to servility, made it possible for the Western Powers to keep their hold on the area, after the second world war.   In spite of giving freedom, to the ex colonies, they still managed to keep a low profile, and controlled through banking and Finance.    The fall out of this was the Wall Street crises in 2008.

Oil Industry                                  

Especially after the first world war, oil industry has taken a unique position in the geopolitical equation. To understand, why it is the key to modern problems and wars, one should take a peep at the history of oil exploration and development of the industry.   People tend to swallow whatever the media majors serve  them on their silver platters   Do not rush to make a judgement, but first make the research yourself, lest you be also swallowed  by their delicious menu.    Behind every bulletin, there is a hidden agenda, and it is your duty to find out what it is, and not theirs who disseminate 'information'.    

Anglo Iranian Oil Company in Abadan, Iran, was the first to start  exploration and export.   British empire was at its peak then, having its eastern head quarters in the Viceroy's palace in New Delhi, India.   Calouste Gulbenkian was a petroleum Engineer, (23 March 1869–20 July 1955) - an Armenian by birth, and studied in London.   He played a major role in making the petroleum reserves of the Middle East available to Western development.  He also examined the Russian oil industry at Baku. After becoming a naturalized British citizen in 1902, he was involved in arranging the 1907 merger resulting in Royal Dutch/Shell and emerged from that effort as a major shareholder. His habit of retaining five per cent of the shares of the oil companies he developed earned him the nickname "Mr. Five Percent".

In 1912 Gulbenkian was the brain behind the creation of the Turkish Petroleum Company (TPC)—a consortium of the largest European oil companies aimed at cooperatively procuring oil exploration and development rights in the Ottoman Empire territory of Iraq, while excluding other interests. A promise of these rights was made to the TPC, but the onset of World War I interrupted their efforts.

In 1745 under the queen Elisabeth of Russia the first oil well and refinery were built in Ukhta by Fiodor Priadunov. Through the process of distillation of the "rock oil" (petroleum) he received a kerosene-like substance, which was used in oil lamps by Russian churches and monasteries (though households still relied on candles).    The modern history of petroleum began in the 19th century with the refining of kerosene from crude oil.  The world's first commercial oil well was drilled in Poland in 1853.   The first oil well in North America was in Oil Springs, Ontario, Canada in 1858, dug by James Miller Williams. The US petroleum industry began with Edwin Drake's drilling of a 69-foot (21 m) oil well in 1859, on Oil Creek near Titusville, Pennsylvania, for the Seneca Oil Company

Today, about 90% of vehicular fuel needs are met by oil. Petroleum also makes up 40% of total energy consumption in the United States, but is responsible for only 2% of electricity generation. Petroleum's worth as a portable, dense energy source powering the vast majority of vehicles and as the base of many industrial chemicals makes it one of the world's most important commodities.

Invention of the first aeroplane in 1910, and the motor car, gave extra impetus to the petroleum industry, and it also played a part in the heating of houses, in winter, in the United States, and Europe, who had amassed wealth, after the discovery of the New World.   They could not go back to the primitive life from where they had emerged.    This is also the dilemma they face today.  Their austerity measures are violently opposed by the masses, and the governments have no where else to go, but marauding in the wilds of the North African desert, to repossess oil wealth, which once they magnanimously gave away, as a token of their generosity, in a bankrupt state, after the 2nd World War,  to their erstwhile subjects.

So, if from the beginning of the 20th century, Anglo Americans knew the value of oil, and where it was to be found, one has to see their key interest in meddling with the world, and joining the first world war, and for what purpose?     They will always give a humane reason to enter the war, but what is the hidden agenda behind it.     -   Since no one will give answers, one has to deduce from circumstances that accompanied the events.

The Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC) was founded in 1908 following the discovery of a large oil field in Masjed Soleiman, Iran. It was the first company using the oil reserves of the Middle East. APOC was renamed Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC) in 1935 and eventually became the British Petroleum Company (BP) in 1954, as one root of the BP Company today.

Volume production of Persian oil products eventually started in 1913 from a refinery built at Abadan, for its first 50 years the largest oil refinery in the world.    In 1913, shortly before World War I, APOC managers negotiated with a new customer, the middle-aged Winston Churchill, who was then First Lord of the Admiralty. At Churchill's suggestion, and in exchange for secure oil supplies for its ships, the British government injected new capital into the company and, in doing so, acquired a controlling interest in APOC. The British government became de facto hidden power behind the oil company.   APOC took a 50% share in a new Turkish Petroleum Company organized in 1912 by Calouste Gulbenkian to explore and develop oil resources in the Ottoman Empire.


First hint, why British Empire should oust Ottoman Empire from the Middle East, as they are sitting on a vast reserves of crude oil, needed by the West for their Industry.  But they have to fight two world wars to do that, and need finances.   The early Zionists provided funds for a quid pro quo: hand over Palestine to them as their new Homeland.     In exchange, they will use them as their policeman, to keep the Arabs in line, from revolting against the Anglo American power players.


Indian Equation

Indian National Congress was started by Hume, and its members were Motilal Nehru, Gandhi, and others.   This was in response to the 1857 War of Independence, (Sepoy Mutiny).    Queen Victoria gave Home Rule, and handed over the running of the Colony to the Vice Roy.    Indians had to go to London, to pass the Indian Civil Service examinations, and that opened a door, the British were to regret.   Our Indian intellectuals, learnt the ropes of the British Government machinery, but did not have the clout to oust them.   Gandhi thought of a novel idea, Satyagraha.   At the same time, the two wars had debilitated the empire and shaken it to its foundations.  Clement Atlee of the Labor was at the helm after the second war, with empty coffers.   It was therefore better to kill two birds with one stone.   Give India independence, and use the Hindu Muslim animosity as an excuse to divide the country.   They gave the job to a civil servant, Cyril Radcliffe,  who spent 35 days for the first time in his life, in India, drew the lines on a map, and after the declaration of Independence on August 14 and 15, handed over Line of Partition  papers to the new governments on August 17 !   Jaswant Sinch blamed one side, but no one had any thing to say about the erstwhile owners of the Colony.   

I have a theory.  British could not defend the southern flank of the Persian Gulf, if India was handed over.  They needed bases.  Diego Gracia was one option.   But Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal were vital, so these parts should still be within reach for the British Navy.   So, Pakistan, West and East.  They got rid of Jinnah, and then Suwarwardy, and Liaqat, and the government went to Ayub Khan.   Ever since, it has been vacillating between civil authority and military authority.  The Anglo Saxons are pumping money and military hardware to this country.  For what?   Humane reasons at the top.  Behind the doors strategy?   For you to guess.    As long as there is oil in the middle east, Pakistan and Israel are vital policemen for the Anglo Saxons.

In spite of the policemen, the troubles in the Middle East do not seem to end.  With Jamal Abdul Nasser, they wanted to finish him off and the Anglo-French-Israel were ready, but America stopped them   They wanted to wean him away from the Soviets first.   1967 war was one sided, as Israel got all the tips from the US satellites, and before Egypt could wink, its Air force was destroyed.    Sadat too was bumped and was replaced by Hosni Mubarak, whose reign ended under Obama, the half African half American US President.    One by one, the domino pieces were falling. 

The most rabid opponent of the West, Gaddafi, had to be liquidated first, and they started bombing him.  Just as at Battle of Plassey, an Indian sold out the State to the British, for financial gain, so too the Libyan exiles, who prospered in USA, joined hands with them to sell their land to the West.   In the second World War, Montgomery, a British General delivered the Libyans from  Mussolini, and handed the country to King Idris, (who was loyal to the British), but Gaddafi ousted him..  Gaddafi has still not given up, and three months and still they are bombing.   But past experience of the previous empires have shown, they came down because of their extensive overseas expeditions.  Could that be the case here, especially as Wall Street is on one leg, and US is said to be indebted to China?    Is this a new way to preserve their 'national interest' ?    The Western Media are serving the "National Interest" of their own countries and no one can blame them - telling lies is fine, when they do not believe in God or morality, and to know the truth, one has to be prudently watching their actions, and making their own judgements, lest some one closer to home, sell his own land or their national assets, to the foreign interests, to make some financial gain. 


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