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Home Mangalore/Goa Recipes Rice Preparations Shevios with Coconut Juice

Shevios with Coconut Juice

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Quantity Measure Ingredients Description:
500 Grams Rice, Boiled (ukda chawal) To make shevios
A Little Salt To make shevios
1 Nos. Coconuts - fresh. To make coconut juice
200 Grams Jaggery To make coconut juice
1 Teaspoon Cardamom Powder To make coconut juice



Wash the rice, and strain it well.  Pour on it very hot but not boiling water sufficient to soak the rice.  Close the vessel and let it soak  well.

Then grind in the same water, making a thick dough.   Keep water to boil in a thondor till near the central plate.   When the water is oiling spread a clean cloth or a plantain leaf on the central plate and place the dough on it and close it  Boil fo9r half an hour until sufficiently cooked.   This may be ascertained buy piercing the fork into the dough, which should come out clean, without any dough adhering to it   Do not overcook the dough in which case Shevio can not be pressed.   Apply a little butter to the Shevio form, to lubricate it from within.   Fill the form which the boiled dough and press down the form.   Collect the full Shevio bunch in a long dish   During this process, the other dough should be kept closed in the thondor, for it must remain hot till all the dough is pressed.   If cooled, it will be very hard to press.

Shevio form, comes on a three legged platform, and it has a cylindrical lower form, which has removable plates with holes.  It is generally made of brass.  The upper form is a piston, which goes into the lower form.   The piston is lowered by means of a screwed spindle, and as the horizontal bar of the spindle is turned, it goes down into the lower form, and when the dough is placed into the lower form, the piston pushes it out of the perforated plate, and comes out.   Generally, a second person collects the Shevio, which come out as strings, in a long dish, which the first one presses - screws thee piston down

Coconut Juice:
Scrape the coconuts, and grind them in warm water.   Add 200 grammes of jaggery to each coconut.   Add 1 teaspoon of cardamom powder.   Boil this mixture and when it has come to a boil, put the stove off, and allow it to cool.  This is used as a syrup, to serve many of the rice preparations like sheveos, Sannas kailoleos.

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