palms upright and joyful waving
crowds acclaim exultantly
as King his entry marks with splendour
bold uprising unbound free
triumph twist to torment turning
Hosanna glory can't foretell
from king to scorning degradation
heaven falls to edge of hell
and yet and yet with passion passing
palms unfettered wave with glee
the king will ride triumphant chariot
transcending death to victory....
terryq: 28 march,2010
He has been there before us. He is and will be there with us.
Which of us has not gone through this too? The sweep from wondertimes through hell seasons and back again to peace and calm and a sense of wonder again. And the older we are the more history we have of the ups and downs we have survived our ways through. Family and friends have seen this for one another. And there has often been support through the storms... and gentle presence through the calms.
Palm Sunday- Good Friday- Easter.... . It is there in the liturgy. It is there in our lives.
It has happened to us and it will continue to happen to each one of us in different ways.
It is good to know and believe that the passion/pain will pass... and in the end there will be an Easter for each one of us....
It is an Easter that is not a birthday present but something that we need to be involved in to make happen...
The invitation comes from the example that He himself is to each one of us. The invitation to shake off the corpse embalming shrouds we often wrap ourselves in, to roll away the stones enclosing our tombs and to walk out through our trauma ridden darkness into the dancing radiant lights of an alleluia life.
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