Mangalorean Recipes

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Ukadiche Modak

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Quantity: Measure: Ingredients: Description:
5 Teacup Water for boiling
  As Required Salt for dough
1 Tablespoon Cooking Oil for dough
1/2 Kilogram Rice Flour for dough
1/4 Kilogram Jaggery for filling
1 Nos. Coconut - Grated /Desiccated for filling
1/2 Teaspoon Cardamom Powder

for filling



Boil 2 1/2 cups of water. Add salt, oil and slowly stir in the rice flour so that no lumps are left. Cook while     continuing to stir till the dough turns thick. Remove the dough from the fire and reserve.

Heat jaggery in 2 cups of water to make a thick syrup. Test its consistency by putting a drop in cold water -it     should remain firm. When this consistency is reached, add the coconut gratings and cook on a low flame,     stirring till the mixture is thick. Add cardamom powder and cook till the mixture is almost dry. Cool.

Divide the rice dough in 20 equal portions. Take one portion in the centre of an oiled palm and flatten with the     thumb of the other hand to form a round disc about the size of the palm. Place a small portion of the jaggery     -coconut mixture in the centre of the disc, lift the edges of the disc and, by making small pleats,cover the     mixture from all sides. Close the top of this modak by pressing the ends of the pleats carefully together. Make     all the 20 raw modaks in this fashion.

Put a little water in a pressure cooker. Place the raw modaks carefully on a piece of muslin over the perforated     plate above the water level without breaking them, and steam-cook in batches without putting the weight on     the lid of the cooker.

Serve hot with a spoon of melted clarified butter (ghee) poured on each modak.

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