Mangalorean Recipes

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Cucumber Salad

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Quantity: Measure: Ingredients: Description:
2 Small Cucumber Tender. Pare and slice
4 Nos Onions Peel and make rings
3 Nos Chillies Green Chop and mince
1 Piece Ginger Chop and mince
3 Tablespoon Vinegar Or Lime Juice
  As Required Salt For taste, and sprinkling.


Cucumbers are the fourth most cultivated vegetable in the world and known to be one of the best foods for your body's overall health, often referred to as a superfood.

Pare the cucumbers, cut them in thin round slices, sprinkle some salt, and keep aside.
After ten minutes, throw away the water, and in the meantime, peel and slice the onions sideways, to get onion rings.   Chop the green chillies and ginger finely.  Arrange the cucumber and onion rings on a salad dish, and sprinkle over them, the finely chopped green chillies and ginger, and sprinkle vinegar on top, with a little salt to taste.

Some prefer to wash the rings, to remove the tangy taste.


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